Alright, I’m off to eat oil balls. 👋🎆
Alright, I’m off to eat oil balls. 👋🎆
In case you were wondering if you can run PropEr on Gleam (as I was); yes you can, by patching rebar3_proper to accept .gleam
files and importing external functions from proper
and proper_types
As my first foray into using a language server in my editor, I’ve installed coc.nvim and coc-elixir for an Elixir language server that provides automatic code completion, compiler checks and Dialyzer analysis.
The “backlog” lane is a great place to put any project idea that I might or might not eventually pick up. If I get to one of them, I’ll split it up into the smallest possible portion I can finish in limited time, before committing to it by moving it the “current” lane.
Having this public board is already paying off.
Linking repositories and triaging their issues on the board reminded me to respond to my projects’ open issues and pull requests that I left waiting before. Years, sometimes.
I’ve responded to or merged all of them yesterday.
Thanks! I missed that completely while reading the manual. I’m using g:coc_global_extensions
now in my dotfiles:
Got distracted reading the Gleam getting started document and added gleam.vim to vim-polyglot.
Struggling to decide where to spend my time, I’ve added another Kanban board to my life to manage my projects, OSS tickets, and ideas to help me prioritize.
Think of it as a more detailed /now-page. A “/now-board”, perhaps.
Ah, looks like I missed that. That’s it exactly, thanks!
I’ll drop my notes, as they mentioned changing the data directory, checking in the package.json file and running npm install
manually. 😬
Three more plugins:
-ingset :nornu!
-ingCurrent total: 5, of which one is mostly there because I maintain it.
In a patch I failed to merge for more than half a year, @bubuntux fixed a bug in vim-numbertoggle that has been there since its inception.
2.1.2 should prevent switching to relative numbers in insert mode when the window regains focus. Thanks Julio!
I’m trying to be as minimal as possible to avoid issues with key bindings and package management, and I don’t bother with Vim’s color schemes. That seems to solve most of these.
For coc, since its plugins are implemented in Node, they need to be installed through npm, requiring an extra step, which makes sense technically at least. I’ll write something about my approach when I find the time.
Emacs is wonderful, from what I’ve seen of it. I never properly dove in, though. Maybe one day. For now, I consider tinkering with Vim’s configuration a fun pastime.
Any tips to checking coc.vim plugins into dotfiles repositories? The plugin manager (:CocInstall
) is great, but I’d like to be able to install my whole setup in as few steps as possible in the future, so I’d prefer not to have to remember to install these separately.
From my investigation so far, it looks like I’ll have to check the coc data directory in, then .gitignore everything but package.json, thennpm install
them after checking out my dotfiles on a new machine.
ha, you and me both.
Still in the realm of open source software, but maybe not linked to any particular library. I’d like to thank others for their writing too, for example.
That said, that tool might just be Twitter, and I might just need to remind myself to reach out more often. I’ll try to do that!
That’s a great idea, indeed. I wonder if we can make this easier in general, not just for OSS libraries.
In that vein; thanks for everything you published and released over the years. You’ve been an inspiration ever since RailsTips’ more feverish times. 🙏
Case in point.
I wrote a script that visualises recursive function calls in Elixir by printing and counting each call to help estimate its order of growth, and to help with debugging or understanding recursive functions. #myelixirstatus
$ git commit -m 'Add Complexity'
Oh, yes. Last laptop I cleared had a wallet with a Bitcoin from the faucet. Didn’t have value back then, so I cleared the machine without thinking about it. 🤷♂️
’Tis the season to clear out that laptop you still have lying around which might have some important things on it Fa la la la la la la la la 🎄🎵
That said, it’s a great board game, and I’d totally recommend buying the base game. It’s not cheap, but it’s beautiful and unlike most other games. Your group will certainly have a lot of fun playing it. 👍
A player can get one of the “insane” condition variants, which change the win conditions for that player. That’s a lot of fun, but it doesn’t tend to work out because other players know not to trust you when you have the condition. I’d love those to be completely secret somehow.
The iPad-as-GM is neat, but someone is still narrating the words to the rest of the table. Also, it doesn’t know where the players are, so it’ll move monsters by stating “monster A moves 3 spaces toward the closest player”, which feels a bit clunky. I think I’d prefer a human GM.
The first couple of plays are a lot of fun. The atmosphere is great, everything looks good, and the stories are exciting. After that, it can get a bit repetitive and long-winded. There’s usually an occult ritual to avert, and most games take more than three hours to complete.
Mansions of Madness (2ⁿᵈ edition) is a beautiful collaborative horror board game that’s a lot of fun to play. However, we’ve played close to ten of its levels (from both the main set and its expansions), and it feels like it reached the end of its lifespan for us.